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We are one of the biggest Mining Group of Company in Indonesia. We look for suitable candidate who can fill the position as below:


Qualification :

1. Bachelor degree from mining engineering faculty
2. Minimum 10 (ten) years experience in mining industry with minimum 5 (five) in managerial level
3. Posses POU (Pengawas Operasional Utama) certificate from Dept ESDM
4. Well understanding about mining operation (facility/equipment/man power)
5. Good knowledge about natural resources to achieve efficient and productive result
6. Able to make a plan and execution, including production mining analysis and cost

HRD Superintendent (Penempatan Jakarta)


1. Bachelor degree from faculty of law / psychology or management
2. Minimum 5 (five) years experience as HR Generalist, preferably from mining, manufacture or construction industry
3. Well understanding about man power regulation, recruitment and training, compensation benefit, payroll, industrial relation, performance appraisal and human resource information system (HRMS)

PORT CAPTAIN/LOADING MASTER (Supervisor-Superintendent)


1. Minimum 3-5 years experience in shipping company or shipyards
2. Degree from Marine Academy
3. Posses minimum ANT 4 / Deck Officer Class 4
4. Good knowledge of HSE, ISM, STCW requirement and international rules and regulations
5. Experienced in loading activity / transshipment from mill site to tug boat / barge up to end on mother vessel
6. To possess a thorough knowledge of shipboard and shore-side operational functions for product and bulk carriers



1. Bachelor degree from mining engineer / geology faculty
2. Minimum 3 (three) years experience in mining company
3. Posses managerial ability such as planning, organizing, controlling and executing to all mining activities
4. Able to calculate of heavy equipment hour production, summarize and analyze daily report, appliance hour, man power activities and dismissal of over burden and rotate mine
5. Able to plan short term, middle term and long term of mining process
6. Taking care of quality of mine product
7. Good understanding about HSE / K3
8. Capable of operating mining software such as Minex, MineScape, AutoCad, Carlson Mining)



1. Minimum 2-3 years experience, preferable in mineral exploration
2. Bachelor degree from faculty of Geology
3. Able to operate mining software: Surfer, Surpac, Minescape, MapInfo, AutoCad, GPS Mapper
4. Able to make progress report on designated project
5. Able to identify geological structure, out crop, and bedrock
6. Good knowledge about Safety / K3 procedure.

MARINE SAFETY Supervisor (MS) / SAFETY Superintendent (SS)


1. Minimum 3 (three) years experience as safety supervisor in shipping company (MS) and as safety superintendent in mining company (SS)
2. Degree from faculty of marine merchant academy, public health (MS) and mining engineer, industrial engineering (SS)
3. Posses AK3 certificate and knowledge SMK3 system (MS, SS)
4. Monitoring safety movement of all fleet (from stock yard to tug/barges, Mother Vessel, Floating Cranes) and also monitoring of dry dock (MS)
5. Conduct regular HSE inspection at sites to ensure all identified HSE potential hazard are managed properly as stated and or oblige (MS)
6. Has the ability to draft health, safety and environment (HSE) strategies, plans, programs, policies, system & procedures as well as lead, manage, and support their implementation (SS)
7. Conduct regular HSE inspection at sites to ensure all identified HSE potential hazard are managed properly as stated and or oblige (SS)

GRADE CONTROL (Foreman-Supervisor)


1. Bachelor degree from faculty of mining engineering or geology
2. Minimum 3 (three) years experience in mining company
3. Posses managerial ability such as planning, organizing, controlling to control of mining quality
4. Responsible for the grade quality of the ore production
5. Responsible for the stockpiles
6. Good understanding about HSE / K3

LABORATORY ANALYST (Foreman-Supervisor)

Qualification :

1. D3 Chemistry / S1 MIPA Chemistry
2. Minimum 3 (three) years experience in Lab & QC mining
3. Can Operate XRF & AAS
4. Familiar ISO 17025 : 2005
5. Posses managerial ability such as planning, organizing, controlling to control of mining quality



1. Min STM Tambang or D3 Geodetic
2. Having minimum within 1-2 years experience in mining industry
3. Able to operated surpac and minescape software
4. Knowledge of mine planning and survey related software

AUTO-ELECTRICIAN (Foreman – Supervisor)

Qualification :

1. Minimum SMK Automotive or S1 mechanical / electrical engineering
2. At least 3 years experience in same field, preferably from mining or contruction industry
3. Able to identification problem and repair action or preventive action
4. Good knowledge about K3 / HSE
5. Having strong data analysis skills, good numerical ability, analytical thinking and logic of verbal


• Male, max 45 years old
• Willing to be place in Maluku Island, Halmahera with rotation schedule
• Adaptable, have a good leadership and able to work under pressure situation

Please submit your application letter complete with CV, recent photograph and expected salary to:

PT. Trimegah Bangun Persada
Ratu Plaza Office Tower Lt.14
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman kav.9
E-mail :

Only qualified candidate match with the above mentioned qualifications and requirements will be notified for further selection


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