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natural home remedies

"Hampir setiap orang pernah merasakan nyeri atau sakit kepala." onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">Almost everyone has been feeling pain or headaches. "Data menunjukkan bahwa 90% populasi manusia pernah mengalami gangguan ini sekali atau dua kali dalam setahun." Data show that 90% of human populations have experienced this disorder once or twice a year. Headaches also become the second largest reason for someone to visit a doctor of natural home remedies.

"Penyebab dan macam sakit kepala memang cukup banyak." Karenanya, mengetahui dengan pasti penyebab dan jenisnya merupakan langkah awal untuk penyembuhannya." " title="Berikut ini beberapa jenis gangguan nyeri kepala yang sering di derita:" Here are some types of head pain disorders are often in pain:
Sakit kepala karena tegang." "Gejalanya diawali dengan ketegangan di otot leher, bahu, dan tengkorak akibat tekanan emosional." "Sakitnya selalu berawal dari kepala belakang, merambat ke depan, lalu ke kedua sisi kepala." The pain always starts from the head back, creeping forward, then to both sides of the head.

"• Sakit kepala migren." onmouseover=" "Umumnya sakit kepala yang dirasakan lebih berat ketimbang sakit kepala akibat ketegangan." "Migren selalu dirasakan pada satu sisi kepala saja dan sering juga di belakang salah satu mata.""Maka muncullah istilah “sakit kepala sebelah”."Penderita migren pada wanita kira-kira tiga kali lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan pria." Penyebabnya terutama karena perubahan hormonal."

Sakit kepala dengan beragam gejala.Gangguan ini terutama menyerang kaum pria.Gejalanya berupa nyeri luar biasa dan umumnya terfokus di sekitar rongga mata dengan mata berair dan hidung meler. Sakit kepala pasca-trauma." onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">• post-traumatic headaches.
This often appears as the impact of an accident, although there have been few injuries in the head. The pain sometimes appear after weeks or months after injury and can last up to a year after the trauma.

• allergy headache. These disorders are often accompanied with symptoms of runny nose, watery eyes, and throat pain. Appearance can be caused by certain foods or anything that can cause allergies.

• sinus headaches. Disturbance is easily recognized from the symptoms. Closed one nostril or both and pain spread to the cheeks and forehead. The sections are very sensitive to the touch feels it would be a pain in cash.

• In addition to the specific cause headaches, there is also a headache that arises solely as a secondary symptom of something wrong body condition and requires medical treatment.

The following guidelines can be a reference to solve the problem of headache, namely:

• If the headache is felt more severely in the morning than during the day, a sign of high blood pressure.

• If the headache is accompanied by soreness in his eyes, ears or teeth, indicating the occurrence of infection.

• If the headache always occurs after performing a task that relies on the senses of vision such as reading or sewing, there is a sign of irregularities in the eye.

• tumors, stroke, or may cause difficulty sleeping can be a very sudden headache pain. As a result, the body feels weak and accompanied by blurred vision. This headache starts as a small and increasingly severe pain in the morning. Required inspection as soon as possible to determine the cause.

• If the headache accompanied by fever and stiff neck, chances are you're attacked by meningitis. Medical treatment is needed.


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