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lowongan kerja di Qatargas: 3 Positions


Qatargas Operating Company has exciting opportunities available for qualified professionals to join our company in the development of the vast North Field in Qatar. Qatargas currently has under development over $20 billion worth of major projects, including the construction of four new Liquefied Natural Gas trains for the production and export of LNG to every corner of the globe.

• Provide expert technical advice and support on vibration related issues of Rotating Machinery.
• Maintain the integrity of the Machine Monitoring System.
• Assist in investigations into possible problems and major equipment failure analysis.

Skills and Experience
• Mechanical Engineering Degree.
• 8 years experience with Condition Monitoring related to the oil and gas industry.
• Experience in LNG plant is an added plus.
• Specialized training in Machine Diagnostics and Condition Monitoring related to latest Bently Nevada systems.
• Good knowledge of different types of rotating machinery.
• Experience on the maintenance and optimisation of Machine Monitoring Systems.

SENIOR INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN - Offshore (28/28 Rotation)
• Provide work direction and guidance and carry out preventive installation, operation and maintenance on all platform instrumentation.
• Laises with other departments and vendors/suppliers for fault finding/ problem solving.
• Carries out approved minor modifications. Updates documents as required as per company standards.

Qualification &Experience Required
• Completion of secondary education.
• 5 years experience in oil & gas or similar industry.
• Knowledge of written and spoken English.
• Familiarity with Foxboro/Triconex/Trident systems added advantage.

SENIOR ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN - Offshore (28/28 Rotation)
• Provide work direction and guidance to contract electrical and HVAC technicians.
• Receives incoming work requests, discusses work required with the Electrical Supervisor and estimates time, material or spare parts required to complete the work.
• Repairs, replaces and/or installs various electrical equipment as including diagnosing faults, obtaining parts, equipment and tools, and initiating repairs/replacements or referring more complex repairs to Supervisor.
• Liaises with other departments when fault finding/problem solving.
• Carries out approved minor modifications and helps prepare modification work packs for presentation to support engineers.

Qualification & Experience Required
• Completion of secondary education plus 2 years formal electrical training.
• Minimum 5 years electrical maintenance experience in oil industry.
• Good knowledge of written and spoken English.

Qatargas otters a secure expatriate lifestyle In an international community with educational, medical and recreational facilities, competitive tax-free salaries, a full range of benefits, including family or bachelor housing, furnishings and generous paid annual vacation back to your country of origin.

Recruitment is being conducted by Uzma Group (514669-P) a specialised supplier of manpower to the oil & gas industry. Apply stating qualifications and work experience to:

Uzma Group,
68 & 70 Fraser Business Park,
Jalan Metro Pudu 2, 55200 KL, Malaysia.

For more information about Qatargas, the expatriate community, benefits and Qatar in general, visit

Expiry date: November 22, 2008

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