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lowongan kerja Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Co. K.S.C.; 2 positions

Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Co. K.S.C.
A subsidiary of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation

KUFPEC Regional Ventures (Indonesia) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of KUFPEC, the overseas arm of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation. KRVIL is seeking new opportunities within Indonesia and SE Asia, both non-operated and operated and requires highly qualified individuals to join and strengthen our Jakarta team as Senior Reservoir Engineer and Senior Geologist.

Senior Reservoir Engineer (Code: SRE)
• Indonesian;
• Minimum a Bachelor s degree in Petroleum engineer with 5-15 years classic reservoir engineering experience;
• Demostrated hands on skills in new business ventures, prospect/asset evaluation, oversight of existing properties, and economics using PEEP.

Senior Geologist (Code: SGEO)
• Indonesian;
• Minimum a Bachelor s degree in Geology with 5-15 years experience with major G&G software suites;
• Demonstrated hinds on skill in new business ventures prospect and asset evaluation, data room visitation, oversight of existing properties.

General Requirement
• Good understanding of health, safely and environmental laws and regulations;
• Willing to have some international travel;
• Strong personality, intelligent, capable of working with limited resources, as well as working under pressure;
• Strong presentation skills with ability to articulate project ideas in a clear and concise manner;
• Candidates must be enthusiastic and results oriented;
• Well establish relations with BPMIGAS, MIGAS, PSCs Migas as well as to other related government bodies;
• Well organized, self-motivated, and able to cooperate effectively with other team members;
• Good English communication skills, both verbal and written.

KRVIL is an equal opportunity employer who rewards performance and results. A competitive salary and benefit package will be offered based on the experience to suitably qualified individuals.

Email your application, enclosing CV to:

Please insert the position code (SRE or SGEO) on subject of your email. (Only short listed candidates will be notified).

Expiry date: November 23, 2008

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