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the World was increasingly fast his development

Bandung - the World was increasingly
fast his development,
this made humankind increasingly was
easy in living with the existence
produced by the development of technology.

One of the results of the progress
of this technology was the computer.
The computer facilitated the work of
humankind in undertaking various activities.
Because increasingly was easy to do
many matters with the existence of the
computer, then many people carried
out his work in front of the computer
for the long period.
This initially did not cause the
complaint to be significant, but
increasingly old & even more people
who worked with the computer, even more
problems of the health that emerged
for his users.
There were many subjective complaints
that were received by the users of the
computer, generally their complaint
experienced neck pain, waist pain,
was sick the eyes, the headache,
were difficult urine, regional
pain of arms, stiff foot, went to sleep,
in fact the pressure bounced.
Complaints like this often were
ignored, but if continuing to be felt,
could disrupt & reduced the
productivity of the work.
The phenomenon of these subjective
complaints could be acknowledged
as injured resulting from the work
pressure continually.
This became the 'phenomenon' of
the 'ice mountain', resulting from at
least that was reported, but a large
number of was experienced by the
workers who used the computer.
Various matters could be done to
reduce the complaint, like the use of
medicine pengurang the feeling of pain
until improvements of the position,
means, & the procedure so as the
complaint could be reduced or prevented.
However, humankind not the robot who
could continue to work in a long time,
although his work environment was more
The use of medicine pengurang the
feeling of pain also did not
eliminate the problem, but only
reduced the sign, & in fact
tended to be dangerous if being
used in a long time.
Moreover, almost all computer
equipment, was drafted for
people in 'the Western World'
that had different posture from
most Indonesians.
This also was aggravated by not
all that cared about him people
who worked with the computer.
When the situation continually
like this, will result in many
working hours will be lost, the
company's profit will decrease
& the medical treatment cost
will improve.
The computer operator worked
for hours with the attitude
sat that was static, with
the movement of the hands
that repeatedly.
With the situation,
the operator of the table computer had

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