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Go t0 SIngapore

Jakarta - Intend to CommunicAsia 2008 in Singapore?
Want to spend the night on Saturday sembari
enjoyed Great Singapore Sale?
Want to go out to Peaceful Island while watching
the performance of fireworks, water mancur and
the spectacular laser at the edge of the coast?
Then ascertained you immediately reservasi
the seat to the horrifying package
CommunicaTour 2008 that was held by detikINET
this time.
You could free chose the package kind that
in accordance with your wish.
Was available the package 3 nights or 2 nights
, but also the package via Batam
or the direct flight.
The investment cost then then was covered,
beginning with US$ 529!
Moreover the star hotel 3 that was chosen
by us, the Bencoolen Hotel, deliberate that
was located strategic.
Was not far from Orchard Road, Bugis Village,
Little India and the shopping centre of
the computer product, the camera and
electronics of Sim Lim Square.
7 Dahsyat
So, followed 7 horrifying steps so that
you do not run out of the seat to the
package CommunicaTour 2008 this:
1.Please Anda download information sheet
2.Study well information that was available,
and severed immediately the package that would you pilih
3.Immediately did reservasi in ticketbox this second also.
4.Do payment deposit slowest 2 days after reservasi
5.Do payment was full slowest 1 week after
payment deposit
6.Prepare the still current passport 6 (six)
the month in the future, and gathered in the
Soekarno-Hatta Airport in accordance with the
hour and the date that has ditentukan
7.Enjoy your trip, both via Batam and the
direct flight, and welcome in Singapore.

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Cable Program 'Maxton' RPC-M300XX

pengalaman ku buat setting GP3188 bagus cepet, gambar dibawah ada kabel warna hitam dan merah itu fungsinya untuk disambungkan ke listrik tapi khusus dari aki / power suplay ( jangan listrik langsung bisa njebluk ) dan satunya ada yang serial port buat ke pc. sisanya ada kabel konektor RG45 itu fungsinya untuk disambungkan ke radio rig GP3188, dipasang di bagian speaker fungsinya buat inject frequenz, nah yang colokan kecil itu buat radio HT GP3188 kaya colokan headset kan ? tapi sama fungsinya Motorola 5 in 1 Programmer !!!! Cable Program MAXTON RPC-M300XX ini dapat di gunakan untuk Setting Frequency UHF / VHF berbagai macam Handy Talky dan Radio RIG Motorola Series. diantaranya : Handy Talky Motorola Series : Handy Talky Motorola GP 2000 Handy Talky Motorola GP 338/IS/Plus Handy Talky Motorola GP 328/IS/Plus Handy Talky Motorola GP 3188, dll Radio RIG Motorola Series : Radio RIG Motorola GM 3188 Radio RIG Motorola GM 3688 Radio RIG Motorola GM 338 Radio RIG Motorola GM ...


Jumat 24 Agustus 2007 Pertemuan 1 KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN Oleh : Diah Suryani Ssi, M.Kes Kesehatan lingkungan terdiri dari dua suku kata yaitu kesehatan dan lingkungan. PENGERTIAN KESEHATAN Menurut UU No.23 tahun 1992 KESEHATAN adalah keadaan sejahtera dari badan, jiwa dan social yang memungkinkan setiap orang hidup produktif secara social ekonomis. Kesehatan meliputi : 1. kesehatan badan : bebas dari penyakit, semua organ tubuh berfungsi sempurna. kesehatan jiwa : dibagi menjadi 3 yaitu: pikiran : berpikir runtut, positif, dan dapat diterima oleh akal sehat. Emosi : bisa mengekspresikan emosinya Spiritual : bisa mengekspresikan rasa syukurnya terhadap Tuhan kesehatan social : bisa berinteraksi dengan orang lain kesehatan ekonomi : dapat mencukupi kebutuhan hidupnya. Misal : Anak-anak : sekolah Dewasa : mencari nafkah Lansia : mengisi waktu luang dengan mengikuti suatu kegiatan ...