Jakarta - Exact struck 08,10 WIB, Bill Gates was present in Jakarta
Convention Center by putting on long-sleeved batik clothes had a dark
brown character.
Bill Gates was present with his typical smile, and immediately was driven
to space of VVIP. Corak Bill Gates's batik from the distance almost was the
same as the batik uniform that was put on by Presidential Bodyguard.
Before Bill Gates, President SBY was present around 10 minutes beforehand.
Was different from Bill Gates's appearance, the person of the number 1 in
this Indonesia put on the suit of the coat berdasi complete.
Was like this observation detikINET, on Friday (9/5/2008).
At this time several important officials of the country were present.
Like the Minister Of State For Research And Technology,
Menhut, Menkominfo, Mendag, Menkokesra and Chief Police
of Republic of Indonesia.
The reporter then was ready to carry out his task.
At least 50 wartawn that was shared on the
photographer and non-the photographer took
the position.
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