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Double your everything.

Race you to the future.

MacBook offers powerful performance in a sleek design, thanks to Intel Core 2 Duo processors with speeds up to 2.2GHz — and 4MB of shared L2 cache in all models.

Intel Core Duo chip

Double your everything.

The Intel Core 2 Duo — based on Intel’s advanced Core microarchitecture — offers a second-generation chip born of Intel’s 65-nanometer process. That process lets Intel create incredibly small transistors — small enough, in fact, to fit a hundred inside a single human cell. With two powerful processors designed to share resources and circuitry so unimaginably small, the Intel Core 2 Duo achieves far higher levels of performance while actually consuming less power.

Do more, faster.

With its 64-bit processor architecture, the Intel Core 2 Duo can execute instructions in chunks that are twice as large (64 bits versus 32 bits), delivering advanced computational power to MacBook. It all combines to give you speed and agility you’ll notice when working with photos in iPhoto, creating Keynote presentations, or editing podcasts in GarageBand.

Universal Binary + Mac

Software just works.

In the world of MacBook, nothing is complicated. So when it comes to running software on your Intel-based MacBook, prepare for the expected: it just works. Applications with the Universal symbol run on either PowerPC- or Intel-based Mac computers. Most existing applications will run on your Intel-based MacBook, too. Simply launch them as always. Thanks to the Rosetta technology in Mac OS X, they look and feel just like they did before.1

Speedy processor.

4MB of shared L2 cache augments the advanced Core 2 Duo processor on all models. That really lets MacBook fire on all cylinders. With such substantial L2 cache, data and instructions can be kept close to the two processor cores, greatly increasing performance and allowing the entire system to work more efficiently. And, because the processor cores share the L2 cache, either can use the entire amount if the other happens to be idle.

The Intel Core 2 Duo’s enhanced, 128-bit SSE3 vector engine handles 128-bit computations in a single clock cycle, accelerating data manipulation by simultaneously applying a single instruction to multiple data. That means you can get more done in less time. So the next time you use iMovie or Final Cut Express to render effects, you can thank the SSE3 vector engine for the snappier performance.

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